Saturday, July 16, 2011

You Guys Are So International!

Prior to the match between Liverpool v Malaysia untuk hari ini, ada benda sikit aku nak perkatakan di sini. You guys go thru dulu video di bawah.

Aku tidak berada di sana, tapi berdasarkan deskripsi video tersebut yang menyatakan;

"This guy provoked Liverpool fans first by keep showing off his MU jersey. He keep showing and kissing MU badges all the way up to his seat, then raises both his hands and started screaming (i'm not sure if i heard wrongly but he shouted 'champion'?) If he were to sit down quietly and watch the training I think he would at most get 'boo-ed' ."

Sheesh. come on guys. Suka hati mamat tu la dia nak buat apa. Some might say, dont take this matter seriously. But what really bothers me in this case is, the supporters acted as if they are emotionally attached to the foreign club. Dalam kata lain, ada nilai sentimental tu lah. Wah, defensive sungguh bila diprovoke. Seolah-olah they were born in Liverpool. Nak minat tu tak salah.

What i'm trying to say is, kenapa perlu kita selalunya feel attached kepada something yang basically tak ada kena mengena langsung dengan kita? Defensive betul fans Liverpool bila kena provoke kan.

Daripada korang buli mamat Manchester United tu, baik korang "buli pulau halau" fans yang provoke team Malaysia bila masanya tiba perlawanan antarabangsa.

Seperti mereka. Muehehe. Tapi i bet you guys tak peduli pun, sebab apa? Sebab nationalism tu tak cukup tebal dalam diri. Nationalism in terms of patriotism-wise lah, bukan in terms of ideology. Kalau you guys nak counter bila kena provoke, tapi taktau nak buat apa, haaaa meh sini. Aku sediakan link website Biro Tatanegara.

Jangan marah yooo ;)

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